Food is the spice of life

Food is the spice of life

Sunday 29 August 2010

Banoffi Pie


275 g butter
250 g ginger biscuits, crushed
175 g caster sugar
397 g can sweetened condensed milk
4 bananas, sliced in a little lemon juice to avoid discolouring.
300 ml double cream, lightly whipped
25 g plain chocolate, grated


  1. Melt 115 g butter, stir in the crushed biscuits.  Press into the base and sides of a 19 cm loose bottom fluted flan tin.  Chill until firm.
  2. Place the remaining butter and sugar in a non-stick pan and heat gently, stiring until the butter melts.
  3. Add the condensed milk and heat, stirring continuously until simmering.  Simmer on a low boil for exactly 5 minutes to make a light golden toffee sauce.
  4. Pour over the biscuit base and allow to cool and set in the fridge for 1.5 to 2 hours.
  5. Slice 2 bananas and place over the toffee.  Spread with whipped cream.
  6. Prior to serving decorateed with remaining sliced bananas and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

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